Typemock, the leading provider and pioneer of automated unit testing solutions, has announced the launch of Isolator V7.4.1 for .NET developers, which includes, among other things, seamless Integration with Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2012. This addition means customers working with TFS 2012 can now start from the supplied build template or edit their existing template so that their Isolator tests run as part of an automated build. The TFS 2012 integration comes in addition to full integration with all other major CI (continuous integration) tools.

In addition, Plug-and-Play Profiling seamlessly integrates and runs simultaneously with any coverage tool, memory profiler and any other profiler. Setting Isolator, to work together with other developer tools is now straight-forward, substantially reducing the required plumbing, and lowering the risk of configuration errors, saving time and frustration. This makes Isolator the most “integration-friendly” dev tool out there, as it is the only one supporting all profilers.
Other new updates include the new ability to mock the current date and time by ignoring the “DateTime.Today” property. Enhanced user experience features, such as: running impacted tests from anywhere in the code, highlighting important test data, faster responsiveness when editing methods and tests, along with improved shield display on partial classes and generic methods. As well as other modifications in API behaviors which allow for more readability in tests.
“The advances we made in this release are aimed at giving developers a much better unit testing experience. The addition of Microsoft TFS integration in the latest version of Isolator will further assist our growing base of enterprise customers to effectively deliver working and clean code. We are consistently adding features which are aimed at creating a seamless experience as automated unit testing continues to be implemented by more and more companies” said Eli Lopian, CEO and Founder of Typemock.
Typemock’s automated unit testing solutions enable easy automated testing of all code written on .NET and C / C + + in both old (legacy code) and new code. The company’s flagship unit testing solution: Typemock Isolator for .NET, features the advanced and unique SmartRunner, the first tool to handle automatic duration-based test sorting – the quicker tests run first – so programmers get the important feedback they need quickly. Typemock Isolator also includes enhanced visual coverage capabilities. In addition, Isolator V7.4.1 continues to be the most advanced mocking framework for .NET, now also supporting Microsoft TFS 2012.