The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) announced that Apache Olingo has graduated from the Apache Incubator to a top-level project.

Olingo provides generic Java and JavaScript libraries that implement the Open Data Protocol (OData), the standardized procedure for creating and consuming data APIs.

(Related: Spark: Another graduate of the Apache Incubator program)

Olingo entered the Apache Incubator in July 2013. Since then, the project has gone through three releases, with 495,107 lines of code and 1,102 commits by individual contributors, according to the ASF.

“We are pleased to graduate from the Apache Incubator,” said Stephan Klevenz, vice president of Apache Olingo and development architect at SAP. “The Apache Way of collaborative software development shows that it is possible to produce high-quality and faithful implementations of standards.”

The project serves client and server aspects of OData 2.0, and will serve as a codebase for OData 4.0 (the OASIS standard of the protocol). These standards are meant to simplify the querying, sharing and consuming of data across apps for reuse in the enterprise, Cloud and mobile environments.

Olingo uses browser-based user interfaces to query data on servers, and it is used to synchronize data to mobile devices, exchange data between server systems, and is part of enterprise solutions such as the technical foundation of SAP NetWeaver Gateway.

More information about the Apache Olingo project and the OData ecosystem is available here.